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The Student News Site of Kentucky State University

Thorobred News

The Student News Site of Kentucky State University

Thorobred News

The Student News Site of Kentucky State University

Thorobred News

2023-2024 Staff

Cedric Poellnitz II

Cedric Poellnitz II

Cedric Poellnitz is a sophomore mass communication and journalism major from Nashville, Tennessee. For Thorobred News, he is a general beat reporter. Outside of Thorobred News, he not only plays baseball but is also a GRIT Base...

Jeremiah Barker

Jeremiah Barker

Jeremiah Barker is a sophomore mass communication and journalism major from Indianapolis, Indiana. Barker is a sports beat writer for Thorobred News. Outside of Thorobred news, he enjoys learning about fashion.

Jelani Edmond-Hill
Chief Photographer

Jelani Edmond-Hill

Jelani Edmond-Hill is a senior mass communication major with a minor in speech. A native of Chicago, he is the chief photographer for Thorobred News. Outside of the newspaper, he is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. Majestic...

Erion Smith

Erion Smith

Erion Smith is a senior mass communication major with a focus in journalism and a minor in speech. Smith is from Savannah, Georgia and for Thorobred News she is a general beats reporter. Outside of Thorobred News, she enjoys hanging...


Victoria Steele

Victoria Steele is a senior majoring in mass communication and journalism. For the Thorobred News, she is an Entertainment reporter. In her spare time, she likes to cook meals for her friends and family.

Jonathon Porter
Campus Life

Jonathon Porter

Jonathon Porter is a graduation senior and a Mass Communication major with a minor in speech from Indianapolis, Indiana. Porter is a Campus Life beat writer for Throrbred News. Outside of Thorobred News,  is a member of Alph...